Divi Facebook Like Button Module
Add a Facebook Like Button in your posts, so your visitors are encouraged to Like/Recommend or even share your content on Facebook. A single click on the Like button will ‘like’ pieces of content on the web and share them on Facebook. You can also display a Share button next to the Like button to let people add a personal message and customize who they share with.

Content Options

Facebook APP ID
The Facebook Like Button module uses the Facebook APP ID and requires a Facebook APP ID to function. Before using all Facebook module, please make sure you have added your Facebook APP ID inside the Divi Supreme Plugin Page. You can go to Facebook Developer and click on Create New App to get one. You can also see this guide for more help here.
Here enter the URL of your Facebook Page
Change the type of Layout from 4 Different Layouts:
- Standard - Will show the like button and number of likes separated.
- Button Count - Will show the Like button and Like counts in the same box.
- **Button **- Will only show the like button.
- Box Count - Wil show the Like button and count on top and bottom separated.
- Color Scheme - Change the Color Scheme of the Like Button to Light or Dark.
Show Faces
Choose whether to show faces or not(Only Standard Layout).
The verb to display on the button. It can be either like or recommend.
Show Share Button
Specifies whether to include a share button beside the Like button.
Change the Size of the button to either small or Large.
Design Options
There’s no option for this module in the Design Options. But you can still add Border, Corner Radius, Box Shadow and more…
Advanced Options
Use the advanced options to give your Facebook Like Button Module custom CSS ID’s and Classes. Add some custom CSS for advanced styling and designate the module’s visibility on certain devices.