Divi Twitter Timeline Module

Create and Embed Twitter Timeline Feed easily without any coding.


Content Options

Twitter Timeline Settings


Twitter Username

Enter the Twitter Username without the hashtag @ e.g TwitterDev

Limit Tweets

Here you can limit the number of tweets.

Number of Tweets

Display a specific number of items between 1 and 20.


Here you can choose whether the Twitter Timeline will appear in light or dark theme.

Show Header

Hides the timeline header. Implementing sites must add their own Twitter attribution, link to the source timeline, and comply with other Twitter display requirements.

Show Footer

Hides the timeline footer and Tweet composer link, if included in the timeline widget type.

Show Border

Removes all borders within the widget including borders surrounding the widget area and separating Tweets.

Show Scrollbar

Crops and hides the main timeline scrollbar, if visible. Please consider that hiding standard user interface components can affect the accessibility of your website.

Remove Widget’s Background Color

Enable this Option to Removes Widget’s Background Color

Admin Label

This will change the label of the module in the builder for easy identification. When using WireFrame view in the Visual Builder, these labels will appear within the module block in the Divi Builder interface.

Design Options

Within the design tab you will find all of the module’s styling options, such as fonts, colors, sizing and spacing. This is the tab you will use to change how your module looks. Every Divi module has a long list of design settings that you can use to change just about anything.



Adjust the height of your Twitter Timeline. The pixel height of the plugin. Min. is 200.

Advanced Options

Use the advanced options to give your text module custom CSS ID’s and Classes. Add some custom CSS for advanced styling and designate the module’s visiblity on certain devices.

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