SCRIPT_DEBUG and et_load_unminified_scripts issue
If you're getting this error Notice after Installing Divi Supreme than this guide will help you to solve this issue. This is a bug in Divi and we're hoping that it will be solved very soon.
Error Message: Divi uses uncombined and unminified javascript files because "SCRIPT_DEBUG" constant on wp-config.php has been set to "true". Other plugin can enforce Divi to use uncombined and unminified javascript files by filtering "et_load_unminified_scripts" filter as well.
To Solve:
- Deactivate Divi Supreme Plugin, If you've installed both Pro/Free than deactivate both.
- Go to Divi -> Theme Options -> and Turn On "Minify And Combine Javascript Files" and Save the Changes.
- Now Reactivate Divi Supreme Pro/Lite and you'll not face this issue.
Have a great day!