Fixing Common Issues while using Divi Supreme

This guide contains solutions for some of the most common design issues raised to us by our customers.

1. Divi Supreme Dynamic Assets

If you're noticing that the design of your website isn't displaying as it should be, don't worry! We've included a handy "Compatibility" option in Divi Supreme -> Misc to help resolve any issues you may be facing with Dynamic Assets. Simply enable the option and you should see your content properly displayed on the frontend.

2024-06-11 at 12.13.02

You may also try to disable both the options and see If your issue is fixed.

2. Caching Plugins

If your design doesn't appear correctly, chances are the Caching/Performance plugins you are using are the cause. Go ahead and disable any caching plugins you have installed in order to check if this solves the issue. After that, look for the setting which is likely causing it to appear incorrectly - disable it if possible. If you cannot find it, it may be best to reach out to the plugin's support team for help.

For Siteground Users, one option which can often cause issues is the "Defer JS" option in Plugin Settings -> Frontend -> JS. You can try to disable this and see if that fixes the problem.

3. Not Using the Latest Version

It is always best to ensure that you are using the latest version of Divi Theme and Divi Supreme Pro. To view the current version of the Divi theme, head to Dashboard > Appearance. To view the version of Divi Supreme Pro, simply go to Dashboard > Plugins, where the version number will be listed.

For both Divi and Divi Supreme, view the changelogs and ensure you have the latest version installed.

Divi Changelog:

Divi Supreme Pro Changelog:

Hope this helps to solve any issue you may facing.

Last updated on 11th June 2024

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Divi Supreme

We support Divi’s mission through the development of Divi custom modules and Divi child themes that focus on beauty, subtle animations and visitor engagement.

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